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How to maintain and maintain packaging machines

Source: time:2024-01-17

How to maintain and maintain packaging machines
Packaging machines have been widely used in various enterprises, effectively improving production efficiency. However, there may be certain losses during the use of this equipment, which is very unfavorable for enterprises. However, as long as certain maintenance and upkeep are carried out during use, the service life of this equipment is still very considerable. So today, we will mainly introduce to enterprises using this equipment how to carry out reasonable maintenance and upkeep during the use of automatic packaging machines.
1、 Regular inspections
During the use of the packaging machine, the equipment should be regularly inspected, and loose screws and other fasteners should be maintained. At the same time, the surface moisture, dust, and oil stains need to be wiped off.
2、 Waterproof and moisture-proof
The packaging machine is driven by electricity, and the protection of the power supply is important for waterproofing and moisture-proof. Therefore, the moisture on the equipment should be wiped off in a timely manner, and ventilation should be carried out according to the reflection of the humidity meter.
3、 Shutdown after use
After using the packaging machine, it is necessary to check and turn it off. Both the power and control board need to be cut off to avoid long-term standby or idle operation.


4、 Apply lubricating oil
Packaging machines belong to mechanical equipment, so there will inevitably be severe friction during operation. Therefore, lubricating oil should be applied on time to effectively reduce friction and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

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