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News Your current location:Home>News>NEWS>What are the common solutions to packaging machine malfunctions

What are the common solutions to packaging machine malfunctions

Source: time:2024-02-19

What are the common solutions to packaging machine malfunctions
Packaging machines are generally divided into two types: semi packaging machines and fully automatic packaging machines. Packaging machines are mainly used for automatic packaging of materials in industries such as food, medicine, chemical industry, and plant seeds. These three parts together constitute the entire workflow of the packaging machine. However, during the operation of packaging machines, users often report that the machine is not vacuum. So what are the common solutions to packaging machine malfunctions.
1. Heating.
This problem must be solved by first burning out the heating strip. If it is necessary to replace the heating strip, burning out the heating time relay, replacing the relay, heating blowing, replacing the heater wire, and installing it firmly, controlling the heating temperature with a switch defect, repairing or replacing it. If the AC contactor control heating is not reset, repair or replace the faulty heating transformer.
2. The vacuum pump produces a large amount of oil smoke.
The suction filter of the packaging machine can block or contaminate the data. Cleaning or replacing an exhaust control filter can cause contamination during the oil pumping process, replacing with new oil, clogging the oil return valve, and cleaning the oil return valve.


3. The vacuum pump is leaking oil.
The packaging machine is blocking the oil return valve. Remove the oil return valve, clean it, loosen the oil window, remove the oil window, and wrap the raw material belt or thin plastic film.

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