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News Your current location:Home>News>NEWS>What are the tips for using 3D packaging machines

What are the tips for using 3D packaging machines

Source: time:2023-02-08

What are the tips for using 3D packaging machines
After completing daily work, the surface of the 3D packaging machine should be cleaned and covered tightly to prevent dust pollution;
2. During the use of the 3D packaging machine, it is strictly prohibited to directly prevent the machine from being exposed to high temperatures, in order to avoid injuring the hands;
3. The 3D packaging machine undergoes overall maintenance every three months;


4. It is necessary to ensure the smooth placement of the 3D packaging machine equipment, ensure that the equipment can operate normally, and avoid unnecessary troubles;
5. After using the 3D packaging machine equipment, clean up all unnecessary items to prepare for future convenient use;
6. Select skilled operators for operation and use to prevent unnecessary damage;
7. The 3D packaging machine needs to undergo regular maintenance to identify various unnecessary hazards.

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