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News Your current location:Home>News>NEWS>What are the main functions of 3D packaging machines

What are the main functions of 3D packaging machines

Source: time:2023-03-15

What are the main functions of 3D packaging machines
The development of the domestic economy to this day can be said to be a qualitative leap, with various industries constantly improving. The three-dimensional packaging machine has also undergone changes over time, and people's requirements for it have become more stringent. In the packaging machine industry, the development potential of this equipment is difficult to estimate. So, what are the main functions of 3D packaging machines.


The main functions of the 3D packaging machine include: on the basis of ensuring the quality of the packaging machine, reducing the manufacturing cost and production technology preparation cost of the packaging machine to a very low level, giving the equipment a competitive advantage in price, and improving market competitiveness; The equipment technical documents can reflect the guidance of production technical requirements and design ideas, which can avoid low quality and other losses caused by inadequate drawing design. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of equipment technical documents. According to the material display, about 70% of the packaging machine cost is determined by the design, and the proportion of design work costs to the cost is much less than the proportion of manufacturing costs to the cost; Another aspect is to ensure the nature and functionality of the packaging machine, and the designed products need to achieve the specified goals technically and meet user needs.
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