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Maintenance and cleaning method of the automatic powder packaging machine Your current location:Home>Products>Tianjin packaging machine>Maintenance and cleaning method of the automatic powder packaging machine>

Product Name:Maintenance and cleaning method of the automatic powder packaging machine

Product Introduction:

The working intensity of vacuum packaging machines is also very high, so for production enterprises, correct operation and maintenance are key measures to extend the service life of equipment. Below is a detailed introduction to the maintenance and cleaning of the packaging machine, hoping to be useful to you!
1、 Maintenance methods
1. Timely add oil lubrication to the gear engagement points, oil injection holes of the seated bearings, and various moving parts of the vacuum packaging machine, once per shift. It is strictly prohibited to operate the gearbox without oil. After the first 300 hours of operation, clean the interior and replace it with new oil. After that, change the oil every 2500 hours of operation. When adding lubricating oil, please be careful not to drip oil onto the transmission belt to prevent slipping or premature aging and damage to the belt. It should be used in an environment with a temperature of -10 ℃ -50 ℃, a relative humidity not exceeding 85%, no corrosive gases, no dust, and no explosive hazards in the surrounding air. Like packaging machines and shrinking machines, this active packaging machine uses a three-phase 380V power supply.
2. Regularly check the screws in all parts of the automatic packaging machine to ensure that there is no looseness. Electrical components should be waterproof, moisture-proof, corrosion-resistant, and rodent proof. Ensure that the electrical control box and wiring terminals are clean to prevent electrical faults. When shutting down, the two heat sealers should be in the open position to prevent damage to the packaging materials.
3. After shutdown, the measuring section should be cleaned in a timely manner. For packaging materials with high sugar content such as granules, it is necessary to ensure that the turntable and discharge door are clean every shift. Regularly clean the heat sealer body to ensure that the sealing pattern of the finished packaging bag is clear. For scattered materials, they should be cleaned up in a timely manner to maintain the cleanliness of the automatic packaging machine components, in order to extend their service life. Regularly clean the light-emitting head of the photoelectric switch (eye) to ensure its reliable operation. Regularly clean the dust inside the electrical control box to prevent electrical faults such as short circuits or poor contact.
2、 Basic cleaning methods for packaging machines
1. After stopping the machine, the measuring section should be cleaned immediately, such as packaging sugar, Banlangen granules, salt, etc. It is necessary to ensure that each shift cleans the discharge tray and turntable to prevent corrosion.
2. For the heat seal body, it should be cleaned regularly to ensure clear texture of the seal.
3. The photoelectric tracking light head, also known as the electric eye, should be cleaned on time to ensure small errors in cursor tracking.
4. The scattered materials on the material tray need to be cleaned up in a timely manner to keep the machinery clean.
5. Clean the dust inside the electrical control box on time to prevent malfunctions such as poor contact.

Related tags:Tianjin packaging machine,Maintenance and cleaning method of the automatic powder packaging machine1,
Release time:2020-10-16
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